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Genesis 1:2, ....And darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

"Who was this God that moved upon the face of the deep?" Fahamme Ra Rasool

This was none other than Amun, the angel of creation and beginning. Amun was the Father of the Gods. Amun is the Spirit of the Sun, and Amun moved upon the face of the deep (the mind)." Fahamme Ra Rasool

As I was studying my gospel one morning, it dawned on me that I should discuss the subject of Amun in relationship to Ra, Amun Ra and Allah. I don't know where I will end up but nevertheless I will give it a go.

Let's begin with the pronunciation. The term, as I was taught, is pronounced Ah-mun. Ah, short "a"', mun. Mun rhymes with sun. If it is spelled Amon, it is pronounced Ah-mon, "on" as in "turn 'on' the light". Fahamme.

Amun was an angel. An angel or spirit of God. Understand, Amun is the spirit of creation and beginning. What does that mean? It means that when you desire to begin a journey or create something new, as Allah called into existence, Amun, you should call upon the god or angel Amun. Fahamme Gospel (FG) 3:6. "and every child that is born is guided by an angel or a spirit, and there is a Guardian Angel over every race and nation". 3:16. "There are legions of Fahame Angels to serve you and aid you in any endeavor by the Most High permission. For instance, if you desire to invent a certain thing, there is an angel to bring you information. If you desire to accomplish a certain work, there is an angel to serve you in any given capacity."

It would be worthy to note, "angel of creation" and "The Creator" are two different things.

Also remember, as High Priest would often say, in order for there to be a god, there had to be something to be God over.

FG 3:17. All of the names of all of the gods are merely attributes of the One God. There is in reality but the One God the Creator and Saviour of all. The others are merely His Servants.

Creation is an attribute of the Creator.


FG 2:6. The source of all warmth, energy, health, and life is RA or the sunshine, and his brother SHU or the Air.

We could not survive without those sources, but yet there is a source that created those sources. 2:2. The Sun is the Saviour of the world in a physical sense, but the Spirit that created the sun is the Saviour of the world in a Spiritual sense. 10:16. Do not pray to the sun and neither the moon, but pray to the Most High who created them.

3:21. "Fahame is the holy spirit of Ra the Glorified again manifest in the image of man; as it was in times past manifest in many a holy Negus." This means that Fahamme is not new, the Ra Rasool explained in paragraph 3:20. "I, Paul Nathaniel Johnson, claim to be the Successor and Vice-regent of the entire Hamite Pantheon. Divine Successor of the original Three, Seven, Eight, and Twelve Gods (Saints) of Ham. Ham the father of Cush, and Mizram, and Phuta, and Canaan. All of which are now combined into One Name Fahame."

5:15. He does not claim to be the Prophet of Allah, but the Prophet of Amun-Ra, and the Robaitu. So the Fahamme doesn't claim to be the messenger of the Universe but the messenger of the Kemite Pantheon or all the gods of the Kemite Nation.

Amun Ra

Why the Prophet of Amun Ra?

21:13. Amun Ra was not The God of The Universe or Lord of the worlds.

"Amun-Ra is the Faithful and True God of the Hamites." Hamite is Hebrew for Kemite and is a race or nation. Refer back to 3:6. "and there is a Guardian Angel over every race and nation". Our race needs culture, the Fahamme Rasool was the Culture prophet.

FG 3:17. "All of the names of all of the gods are merely attributes of the One God. There is in reality but the One God the Creator and Saviour of all. The others are merely His Servants."

Faithful and Truthful are attributes of Allah. Therefore, Amun Ra is a servent of the Most High.


Allah is "The" Universal Spirit. "The God." That guards by day and by night and he has many names of mercy strength and beauty. Fahamme Ra Rasool

FG 7:20. "Allah is another way of saying Ell. Allah is pronounced Al - lah. Al means "The", "Lah" means "God", Spirit etc. El means "High", and is where the term "el" levate' to raise, comes from.

Allah is "The" Universal Spirit. "The God." "... he has many names of mercy strength and beauty." Many names mean many attributes. Allah has 99 attributes.

Allah is also, the Lord of the World, 7:19. "In the name of the Most High God, The Beneficent, The Merciful, The praise is due to the Most High God, Lord of the worlds."

So the gods are thought manifested. Amun was the original first thought, father of the gods, the beginning of creation, father of all the attributes (first), the god that moved upon the face of the deep, the manifested mind, the face of the water (the ethereal). Amun Ra are dual attributes and the angel of the Kemite race, combining attributes of Amun with Ra; the power of the sun the spirit of Fahamme. Amun Ra stands waiting on us to invoke it's assistance. These are a few of the many names of the power or attributes of Allah. Selah

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