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How does one become a Fahamme?


Our mission is to propagate the teachings of the Prophet Paul Nathaniel Johnson BA, the Fahamme Ra Rasool.  He devised for us a complete educational system.  Therefore, it is important to learn the teachings.


Members are expected to purchase and study The Fahamme Gospel  religiously.  The Rasool directed us to read a chapter every day if possible.  Study sessions are expected to take place on Wednesdays.


Members are expected to take on a racial name at some point in there development.


Fahamme does not have membership dues but members should pay zakat (alms) according to their abilities and sense of generosity.


A Fahamme should learn their prayers and affirmations.


More literature and learning material are available for purchase by the more studious and ambitious student.


Birth name, racial name, address, birthday, telephone number, and special talents should be on file with the temple.  Any history of note should also be on file.  This information will remain on file and shall be distributed to no one without prior authorization.


Welcome on the journey to SELF.


Fahamme Ta Kri Ban Gami (Fahamme above all).

Priest Khalid Omar


Temple of Jeeze Culture and Science


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